Sunday, December 15, 2013


It is a weird feeling, to be finished.

Once you've finished something, there is the question of continuing or going on to something else.
-Example: Boy, I just finished all that cake and ice cream. I can't decide if I want more, or if I want a nap.

I finished the first draft of my first novel, At Last, At Anchor, about a month ago. I finished my final exams about a week ago, thus finishing the fall semester of my junior year.

After finishing my book, I felt a surge of accomplishment. It was as if my typewriter had shot out some kind of magical pixie dust after the last few words were set in print, and I'd caught some of it on my tongue. It felt both magical and amazing. Pixie dust tastes an awful lot like regular dust, but you know it's not the same by the way you feel after you ingest either.

However, afterward, I felt a weird repulsion whenever I attempted to write again. It was as if my brain was saying "you don't have to write anymore; you just wrote an entire book." Thankfully, this sensation went away after a short while, when I forced some more of that pixie dust out of my typewriter and got back to work a couple weeks later.

Then I started writing on this blog again.

I've always felt weird about school.

School has always felt like more of an obligation than an object of joy. For example, even though I'm interested in Physics and Biology and Neuroscience, the only way I'd be able to get a job/research/explore-these-interests-further-while-also-making-a-living is by getting the requisite grades in classes. These classes are taught by professors who may or may not have the same interests as me and may or may not be good at presenting the material in a way that isn't difficult to grasp.

Despite this, I know that I won't ever give up on college or writing. So I guess the point of this blog is to point out that, as much as we'd like to be, we're never finished. Until we are.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Opinion: Globalization

I think that it has finally sunk in for me how much the internet changed things.

Having an electronic device with the capability of accessing the world wide web is akin to being in the corner of one large building that houses the entire the world, composed of different rooms on different floors, with different people from different places on Earth.

This is globalization.

Globalization is, essentially, the question of learning to live concurrently with seven billion other people.

You think it would be simple to solve globalization, right?. If everyone just left everyone alone, then everything would be fine. But it's hard to do that, because people by nature can't just leave other people alone. You would think it would be that easy, but it really is that complicated.

Therefore, using my innately human power to not leave people alone, I will use this blog to spread my solution to globalization! (+ karma)


Everyone should use whatever time they have with other people in service of creating positive energy that can be spread. There should never be any negative energy within a group that is brought up, unless it is brought up with the intention of its defeat within conversation.

I subscribe to karma as being equal in meaning to "what goes around comes around", and follow that as a philosophy in life. I do my best to not do bad things or cause others to feel bad, although sometimes I can't help it because I'm human. I think everyone will see that this is the case if they think about it. But I try every chance I can to change or correct my behavior, which is what's most important, I think.

I encourage everyone that reads this to do the best they can to spread positivity. If you see yourself about to do something negative or something that may hurt someone else, catch yourself. It is surprising how fast this can spread.


Stuff I Like: Pretzels


Adorned with either salt/salt and mustard, or powdered sugar/butter and sprinkled sugar.

Best when steaming hot and soft.

I would like to learn how to make my own pretzels, but my cooking is poor. I prefer to eat out as much as possible.

Auntie Anne's is my go-to pretzel place. I would like to look into investing into a more grassroots pretzel movement, but I have yet to find any aside from street vendors (their pretzels are OK).

I wish I had some pretzels right now.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

About My Book

My first novel is called "At Last, At Anchor".

It is about a national career counseling corporation from the eyes of four 20-somethings each going through a form of the quarter-life crisis.

I think it is a good book because it explores all aspects of what this generation is going through, while dealing with common questions we all ask, such as:
-why do i hate my parents?
-why do i dislike life?
-how can i survive while doing what i love?
-do i need to get married?
-what is love (baby don't hurt me)?

I am editing it on my computer right now. I want it to be published somewhere medium-to-large sized, but really don't care as long as someone other than myself gets the chance to read it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Online Writing

There is a weird element about online writing.

At this very second, there is infinity all around you. An infinite distance between you and everything you know. By extension, writing online feels the same way.

I can only get so many people to read this blog, where I divulge a few thoughts on things in my life. When I put a blog post out there into the internet, it gets lost in a bottomless void along with the other infinite amount of data bits being funneled everywhere.

In essence, because I can never get all of my writing to everyone, most of the time I will be writing only to myself. But I still have to write so that if someone does read it, it's not boring; it's easy to read and understand; it makes people feel OK.

I didn't know what this blog would be about at first. But then I realized, there was infinity all around me.

This blog will be everything and anything I can come up with. I think I will be able to come up with enough interesting topics to satisfy anyone who does show up.

I have another blog called The Magic Notebook. It has random short stories, poems, and idea fragments that I come up with randomly. It's like a rich man's twitter account, I like to think.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Asterisks Suck.

I dislike using asterisks to hold chunks of information now, and much more prefer to use parentheses.

The problem with footnotes is, in my opinion, either you put them at the bottom of each page or you place them at the very end of the work. At best it's gimmicky, at worst it's annoying. I prefer my writing to look and read clean.

I think I am starting to get a knack for the whole "internet writing" thing.